Talk:Main Page

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Main Page

Maybe we don't need a separate page and link for "about cdsm-wg", because there already is a box on the main page with that content.

Either that or leave it as is with a separate page and link, copy the information in the text box to that page, and replace the 'About cdsm-wg' box on the main page with something else, maybe just a simple picture of a digital soil map.

also. it would be good at this stage to have a direct links for all working groups in the navigation bar, starting with the scientific and technical group. As the other subgroups get more active, they too could have direct links as needed. That will save us having to click through the main page every time we want to access our portion of the wiki. The 'about cdsm-wg' links could be removed (see above) to make space in the nav bar if needed.

Similarly, the 'news' textbox on the main page can store all info for upcoming workshops, so it may not be necessary to have the link to workshops in the nav bar.