19 october 2016
From cdsm-wg
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Chuck Bulmer (CB), Bob Macmillan (BM), Brandon Heung (BH), Jean-Daniel Sylvain (JDS), Scott Smith (SS).
1. Motion: for the ST committee to accept the task of coordinating and leading an effort to prepare a 1 km gridded carbon map to 30 cm depth as per the FAO request, including
a) Developing / communicating technical standards for the map
b) Coordinating the mappers who will do the work
c) Collection / maintenance / provision of training data
d) Incorporating all available results into the final product (starting spring 2017) --> (july 2017) final dates -> 5 december
e) We need to find at least one comitments for each administrative regions (Province, territory) More than one way to do the job. We layout some options here. Provincial up : Province by Province National up : Federal institution could make national mandates SoilGrids : Use soil grids as a starting points Ensemble : Merge all scale together Upscaling test : from 250m to 100m for the continental U.S. f) Bob talk about the need to include a web wizard to manage the data and maps. Merge, share and post the dataset. JD mentionned about Pierre Racine, creator of postgis-raster.
2. Scott Smith and Coalition of the willing (BM)
a) Actually, Twenty people show interest to contribute as volunteers in STG. Probably, vast majority are from west coast. b) Forestry modeler from east-coast were in Quebec workshops (Ontario, NB, NS). SS will try to contact them to increase the coverage in east part of Canada. c) A. McBratney and al. school will go at Simon Fraser University in january. They will provide and introduction to moderate course in DSM. d) Glenn agree to make a map of carbon map with SLC product. This could be use as a covariables or validation dataset. e) X could play a role on the server infrastructure. f) AAC is on the hook to deliverate the products but it will be manufactured by a branch of people. The credits will be retribute to all collaborators.
3. What steps can we take now to demonstrate progress towards this goal within the next 2 months.
1) Build an infrastructure for covariables. 2) X may host a covariables. We have to ask to X and find another person. 3) Find a way to standardise dataset - lab analysis, soil and organic mineral. 4) Bugs, wetlands -> mask files for organic and mineral soils using remote sensing. Michelle Garneau could provide us an insigth. 5) Mask : Rocks, lakes. 5) Where the mineral organic and wetlands with authority.
4. Assign individuals to take responsibility for carrying out (some of) those steps.