From cdsm-wg
Jump to navigationJump to searchActivities of the CDSM-WG were organize around four thematics; Governance, Communication, scientific and technical and fund raising.
Governance[edit | edit source]
- Jointly create and agree on a document that sets out the agreed short and long terms goals of the group and establishes norms and rules for interaction and contribution.
- Find someone to lead a process to identify and contact holders of soil field and lab data and then itemise their holdings.
Communication[edit | edit source]
Actually, the community test the use six tools to organize and share information among contributors.
- wiki : gather information, documentation and recipe and giving the opportunity to learn and share experience in digital soil mapping .
- Forum : host discussion about scientific and technical issues,
- Google+ : share and interact with extended community on a day-to-day basis (e.g. poll, paper, website.)
- Google drive : collaborative writing and host document.
- Code repository: share script tools and IT infrastructure design.
- Web mapping infrastructure : share maps and data.
Technical[edit | edit source]
Build on the Canadian Digital Soil Data Consortium initiative, or any other initiative, an effort to achieve the following:
- Develop a database infrastructure or repository to gather environmental covariate and pedon dataset used for Digital Soil Mapping. Contribute to DB initative.
- Create a platform to produce, collate, host and distribute environmental covariate data for Canada and provinces. Contribute to Environmental covariate initative.
- Create a platform to shared common functionalities for digital soil mapping. Contribute to IT initative.
- Create a quality control data set of profile observations that can be used to evaluate the accuracy and quality of predictions made for anywhere in Canada (by province, country-wide). Contribute to Validation dataset initative.
- Build and maintain a web mapping service platform for accessing, visualising and distributing maps of predicted soil properties or soil classes by province or Canada. Contribute to WMS initative.
- Create, maintain and host a geographic information system to produce maps of any desired soil property Global soil map facilities. Contribute to GIS initiative.
Scientific[edit | edit source]
- Define all global soil map products.
- Jointly create and agree on objective function used to assess the quality of any contribution (profile data, covariate data, prediction map, platform) and agree on metrics and standards that contributions need to report so that they can be evaluated in terms of quality and usability.
- Set targets for producing maps of predictions of soil properties and soil classes for all of Canada at specified resolutions by specified delivery dates.
- Derive global soil map products